Legal notice

Note: The following English translation is intended solely to assist reader understanding and is not legally binding. Please see the original German text for the official version

Website operator

Philipps-Universität Marburg
President (Uni MR) Prof. Dr. Thomas Nauss
Biegenstraße 10
35037 Marburg
Tel: +49 (0)6421 28-20
Fax: +49 (0)6421 28-22500
VAT ID: DE112590692

Postal address:
Philipps-Universität Marburg
P.O. Box
35032 Marburg

The Philipps-Universität Marburg is a statutory public body with legal capacity and at the same time a state institution according to § 1 Abs. 1 HessHG in connection with § 2 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 e) [JC1] (Hessian Higher Education Act / Hessisches Hochschulgesetz of 14.12.2021 (GVBl. I p. 931) in the version valid from 15.04.2022 (GVBl. I p. 184)).

Supervisory authority

Hessian Ministry of Higher Education Research, Science and the Arts
Rheinstrasse 23 – 25
65185 Wiesbaden

Liability for content

As a service provider, we are liable for our own content on these pages in accordance with general legislation pursuant to § 7 Abs. 1 of the German digital services legislation (Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz / DDG). According to §§ 8 to 10 DDG, however, we are not obligated as a service provider to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Liabilities to remove or block the use of information under the general laws remain unaffected. However, liability in this regard is only possible from the point in time at which a concrete infringement of the law becomes known. If we become aware of such infringements, we will immediately remove the content in question.

Liability for links

Our service contains links to third-party external websites on which we have no influence over the content. Therefore, we cannot assume any liability for such external content. The respective provider or operator of each site is always liable for the content on their site. The linked sites were checked for possible legal violations at the time of linking. Illegal content was not identifiable at the time of linking. However, permanent monitoring of the content of the linked sites is not reasonable without concrete evidence of a violation of the law. If we become aware of any infringements, we will immediately remove the links in question.


The content and works created by the site operators on this site are subject to German copyright law (Urheberrecht). The reproduction, editing, distribution, and any kind of utilization outside the limits of copyright law require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. In cases where the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of these third parties are respected. Notably, third-party content is identified as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of an infringement of copyright, please inform us accordingly. If we become aware of any infringements, we will immediately remove the content in question.

Privacy & data protection

Insofar as personal data (for example, name, address, or email address) is collected on our site, this is always done as voluntarily as possible. To the greatest extent possible, our offers and services are always available to use without providing personal data. The use of contact data published within the framework of this legal notice by third parties for the purpose of sending advertising and/or informational material not expressly requested is hereby expressly prohibited. The operators of the site expressly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of the unsolicited sending of advertising information, such as spam emails.

Privacy Notice


Consulting, webdesign and implementation: e5 media GmbH, Heidelberg


Photos / Graphics / Illustrations

Freepik: ibrandify

Unsplash: Christian Lue (Symposium zur personalisierten Medizin COPD)